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Acupuncture for Back Pain: Here’s What You Should Know

Acupuncture for Back Pain: Here’s What You Should Know

Low back pain is a ubiquitous ailment affecting more than 80% of people around the world. 

If you have chronic or acute back pain that hasn’t resolved with injections, physical therapy, or medications, you may benefit from acupuncture. Western medicine is incorporating acupuncture into a suite of treatments for back pain. 

Dr. Donghwan Lee, with DH Acupuncture, is a licensed and nationally board-certified acupuncturist in New York, New York. Dr. Lee treats many patients with back pain. He has extensive experience in acupuncture, having trained under acupuncture masters in China. 

How does acupuncture help back pain? 

Western researchers don’t have all the answers as to how acupuncture helps relieve back pain, but there is good scientific evidence that it does. Although more study is needed, a number of studies already have found that acupuncture can provide relief from back pain. 

Eastern medicine focuses on “qi” — energy flow in the body. By stimulating certain points in your body, acupuncture can correct an imbalance of the qi and enable proper energy flow throughout the body. What does this mean in scientific Western terms? 

Western research studies show that acupuncture lessens inflammation and increases circulation. Researchers have found that it exerts a modifying influence on the immune system. This immunomodulation process eases joints and relieves swelling and stiffness.

Researchers believe that acupuncture stimulates a flow of healing chemicals into the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. Some of these may be pain-relievers. 

Your body has neurotransmitters that carry signals from nerve cells to other cells in your brain and body. They control the way nerve endings respond to stimuli. Acupuncture may trigger some neurotransmitters that interrupt and block pain signals.

The American Pain Society and American College of Physicians have approved acupuncture as a treatment for low back pain that hasn’t been resolved with traditional therapies. 

Specific points on the body helpful for back pain 

Dr. Lee’s extensive knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) guides his use of very thin needles he places at certain points on your body to relieve lower back pain: 

The needles don’t hurt. You simply lie on a table and rest during the treatment. TCM also uses herbs that promote healing. Dr. Lee may recommend supplements that calm inflammation and ease muscle tension. 

Call DH Acupuncture or book an appointment through our online portal today. Acupuncture is a safe and cost-effective method of relieving your pain. 

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